Noble AMPS warriors in the heat of battle - by Ensoul

Noble AMPS warriors in the heat of battle - by Ensoul
Join our glorious cause and slay these wicked beings

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Glum days

Tis sad days my friends. The Grim Grimacite Site has been locked up tight. Our forces are looking at ways to bypass the new security grid, but have been unsuccessful so far. Today I walked up to the front gate, was greeted by a Mob Penguin Smith and (of course) told to leave. Without saying a thing I punched into his chest, grabbed his cold little penguin heart, and ripped it out. He stood there and watched (albeit slightly dazed) as i popped it like a water balloon. I turned in disgust and walked away as his lifeless body dropped to the ground...........that was the only bright spot to my day. Bloody damned penguins.


romeisburning said...

O what a sad day! I regret that I was unable to join the cause prior to the closing of the site...but I shall pull my own weight regardless!

Kuthulazrah said...

ALAS, we shall still make the rivers of penguin blood run deep! have no fear dear friend.