Noble AMPS warriors in the heat of battle - by Ensoul

Noble AMPS warriors in the heat of battle - by Ensoul
Join our glorious cause and slay these wicked beings

Friday, April 4, 2008


That same dream is haunting me nightly. The few hours I seem to be sleeping are not cutting it. I have gone to the spot in my dreams where this seems to take place. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Just a few glares of the strong arm...wing...of the mafia, thats usual. I know this may sound crazy, but I know this really happened. This wasn't just a dream. An evil, dark being is in cahoots with the mafia........I just need proof....


I. R. Gross said...

"An evil, dark being is in cahoots with the mafia........I just need proof...."

have you took into consideration the Canadian vampires I have told you about (for they may be on the same sides...)

Kuthulazrah said...

If the Canadian Vampires are evil, then there can be no doubt as to their involvement with the penguin mafia. Both will have to be neutralized!