Noble AMPS warriors in the heat of battle - by Ensoul

Noble AMPS warriors in the heat of battle - by Ensoul
Join our glorious cause and slay these wicked beings

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Crimbo 08

Glorious days my friends! Over 10 MILLION mob penguins have been sent back to the dark depths of hell of which they spawned. Great work by all in the Kingdom, even though for many it may have been for selfish reasons (but then again what isn't), it is a job well done by all.
Now, we must all prepare for what comes next! The mafia will not take such slaps in the face lying down. We must prepare, Join the AMPS in standing up to this threat before it is too late.

Also any who feel so disposed, Jebach stole New Ulm while I was in the dream world fighting these fiends, a letter letting him know this was a rather rude and disgusting way to act might be in order.

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